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Commands and Permissions

Player Commands

  • /guildchat <text>
    Send a guid message
    Aliases: gchat

Sub Commands

Usage: /guild <subCommandName>

  • accept
    Accept a guild invitation

  • chat <text>
    Send a guild message

  • create <name>
    Create a guild with the specified name

  • demote <player>
    Demote the player to the previous rank

  • disband
    Disbands the guild

  • discord [reset]
    Set or view the guild's discord link

  • help
    Prints the command list

  • info
    Prints information about your guild

  • invite <player>
    Invite the player to your guild

  • join <guild>
    Join a specified guild

  • leave
    Leave your current guild

  • members
    Lists players in your guild

  • mute <player>/everyone <time>
    Mutes the player or the whole guild

  • notifications
    Toggle guild join / leave notifications

  • online
    Show the current online members of your guild

  • onlinemode
    Toggle if offline players are diplayed in the guild list

  • party
    Forms a party from your online guild members

  • promote <player>
    Promotes the player to the next rank

  • rename <name>
    Renames the guild

  • settings SHOWN <true/false>
    Lets players join without being invited and vice - versa

  • settings DESCRIPTION <text>
    Modify the guild's description

  • slow
    Toggle slow chat, requiring guild members to wait 10 seconds between messages

  • tag <tag>/reset
    Sets the guild [TAG] or reset it

  • tagcolor <tagcolor>
    Sets the guild tag color

  • toggle
    Toggle guild chat for yourself

  • transfer <player>
    Transfers ownership of the guild to another player

  • unmute <player>/everyone
    Unmute a player or the whole guild

Administration Commands

These commands can be performed only by operators

  • setlevel <guildName>/<playerName> <amount>
    Set guild's level by giving its name or the name of player

  • setxp <guildName>/<playerName> <amount>
    Set guild's xp by giving its name or the name of player

  • addlevel <guildName>/<playerName> <amount>
    Give a certain levels amount to a guild by giving its name or the name of player

  • addxp <guildName>/<playerName> <amount>
    Give a certain xp amount to a guild by giving its name or the name of player


  • string in config: guilds.permissions.create
    Create a Guild.

  • string in config: guilds.permissions.admin
    Admin features.

  • guilds.mvp++
    Add the Orange Guild TAG Color