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Levels Config

File location

The main configuration file is located in plugins/Guilds/levels.yml.

Editing the file

Here you can find all the information regarding the configuration of the file:


By default only some TAG colors are set in the levels rewards.
To add more TAG colors, you need to add them in the levels rewards section.

For example to add the DARK_RED (that by default is not available) you have to set it in the rewards section of a level.
So you should add - tag:DARK_RED in the rewards section of a level.
You can check the 5th level that by default has the GRAY TAG color.


The example above can be followed for all the other reward types.


#Level Settings
#Required experience to unlock the level
xp-requirement: 11000

#Given rewards after unlocking the new level
#Reward types:
#Double coins -> double-coins:amount
#Double experience -> double-xp:amount
#Guild TAG -> tag:tag_id (see: config.yml -> guilds.settings.guild-tag.tag)
#Guild name/tag chars -> chars:char1,char2, ...
- double-xp:1
- double-coins:5
- tag:GRAY
- tag-length:7
- chars:,,,

#Other levels above