- v2.0
- v1.0
EpicAchievements offers a bunch of built-in reward types:
You can use the {player}
and {uuid}
placeholders in all rewards.
Reward | Description | Required arguments |
points | Give achievement points to a player Points are used to unlock rewards! | amount |
action_bar | Send an action bar message | message |
broadcast | Broadcast a message to the server | message |
command | Execute a console command | command |
experience_levels | Give experience levels to a player | amount |
experience | Give experience points to a player | amount |
item | Give an item to a player | item |
message | Send a message to a player | message |
title | Send a title to a player | title subtitle |
Plugin Hooks
Plugin | Reward | Description | Required arguments |
Vault | vault | Give money to a player | amount |
PlayerPoints | player_points | Give points to a player | amount |
Customizing reward descriptions
Reward descriptions displayed in menus can be customized to override the default description defined in rewards.yml
- type: points
amount: 10
# Override the default description
# The {amount} placeholder is available
description: "&8+ &7A nice gift!"
The reward leveling system
Using the points earned by completing achievements, players can unlock rewards.
Below is an example configuration:
You can use the {level}
placeholder to get the current level.
Math expressions and functions are supported!
# Default descriptions for rewards.
# You can hide a description for a reward by deleting it.
# <reward-id>: "<description>"
points: "&8+&e{amount} &7Achievement Points"
vault: "&8+&e{amount} &7Coins"
experience: "&8+&e{amount} &7Experience"
experience_levels: "&8+&e{amount} &7Experience Levels"
player_points: "&8+&e{amount} &7Coins"
# Reward leveling system.
# A range of levels
# Points required to unlock the reward. Math expressions are supported!
required-points: "{level} * 100"
# A list of rewards
- type: vault
amount: "{level} * 100"
# Item displayed when the reward is locked
material: "COAL"
name: "&cAchievement Reward"
- "&8Level {level}"
- "&7Required Points: &e{points}"
- ""
- "&7Rewards:"
- "{rewards}"
- ""
- "&cYou can't claim this yet!"
# Item displayed when the reward has been claimed
material: "GOLD_NUGGET"
name: "&aAchievement Reward"
- "&8Level {level}"
- "&7Required Points: &e{points}"
- ""
- "&7Rewards:"
- "{rewards}"
- ""
- "&aYou have already claimed this reward!"
# Item displayed when the reward has not been claimed
material: "GOLD_NUGGET"
name: "&eAchievement Reward"
- "&8Level {level}"
- "&7Required Points: &e{points}"
- ""
- "&7Rewards:"
- "{rewards}"
- ""
- "&eClick to claim this reward!"
glow: true
# Other levels can be added below
EpicAchievements offers a bunch of built-in rewards.
Below is a list of them:
You can use the {player}
placeholder in all rewards.
Reward | Description |
BROADCAST | Broadcast a message to the server |
COMMAND | Execute a console command |
EXPERIENCE_LEVELS | Give experience levels to a player |
EXPERIENCE | Give experience points to a player |
MESSAGE | Send a message to a player |
VAULT | Give money to a player |
PLAYER_POINTS | Give money to a player |
Reward leveling system
Using the points earned by completing achievements, players can unlock rewards.
Below is an example configuration:
You can use the {level}
placeholder to get the current level.
Math expressions and functions are supported!
# Range of levels
# Points required to unlock the reward. Math expressions are supported!
required-points: "{level} * 100"
# A list of rewards
- "VAULT:{level} * 10"
# Item displayed when the reward is locked
material: "COAL"
name: "&cAchievement Reward"
- "&8Level {level}"
- "&7Required Points: &e{points}"
- ""
- "&7Reward:"
- "{rewards}"
- ""
- "{status}"
# Item displayed when the reward has been claimed
material: "GOLD_NUGGET"
name: "&aAchievement Reward"
- "&8Level {level}"
- "&7Required Points: &e{points}"
- ""
- "&7Rewards:"
- "{rewards}"
- ""
- "&aYou have already claimed this reward!"
# Item displayed when the reward has not been claimed
material: "GOLD_NUGGET"
name: "&eAchievement Reward"
- "&8Level {level}"
- "&7Required Points: &e{points}"
- ""
- "&7Rewards:"
- "{rewards}"
- ""
- "&eClick to claim this reward!"
glow: true
# Other levels can be added below