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Internal Placeholders

General Placeholders

These placeholders can be used in any menu.

{player}The player's name
{uuid}The player's UUID
{points}The player's points
{total_points}The total points of all achievements
{points_percentage}The percentage of points earned
{unlocked_achievements}The number of unlocked achievements
{total_achievements}The total number of achievements
{unlocked_achievements_percentage}The percentage of unlocked achievements
{unclaimed_rewards}The number of unclaimed rewards

Category Placeholders

{category_id}The category's unique identifier
{category_name}The category's name
{category_description}The description of the category
{category_permission}The permission required to access the category
{category_achievements}The number of achievements in the category
{category_servers}The servers where the achievements can be completed

Achievement Placeholders

{achievement_id}The achievement's unique identifier
{achievement_name}The achievement's name
{achievement_description}The achievement's description
{achievement_type}The achievement's type (challenge / tiered)
{achievement_task}The achievement's task type
{achievement_progress}The player's progress in the achievement
{achievement_progress_percentage}The percentage of progress in the achievement
{achievement_progress_bar}A progress bar that displays the current progress
{achievement_permission}The permission required to progress in the achievement
{achievement_requirements}The achievements required to progress in the achievement
{tier}The tier number
{tier_roman}The tier number in roman numerals
{tier_requirement}The requirement to complete the tier
{tier_rewards}The list of rewards
{tier_progress_percentage}The percentage of progress in the tier
{tier_progress_bar}A progress bar that displays the current tier progress

Reward Level Placeholders

{level}The level number
{points}The points required to reach the level
{rewards}The list of rewards

Sorting Placeholders

{sorting_type}The current sorting type
{sorting_description}The description of the current sorting type
{next_sorting_type}The next sorting type
{next_sorting_description}The description of the next sorting type
{completion_sorting_type}The completion sorting type