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Internal Placeholders

The following placeholders only work in the scoreboard and in some GUIs and messages.

General Placeholders

{prefix}Get the plugin prefix (configurable in messages.yml)
{date}Get the current date
{count_<group>}Get the amount of players playing in the specified group
{count_total}Get the total amount of players playing
{wins}Get the player wins
{losses}Get the player losses
{games_played}Get the number of games played
{kills}Get the player kills
{deaths}Get the player deaths
{wool_placed}Get the amount of wool placed
{blocks_broken}Get the amount of blocks broken
{powerups_collected}Get the amount of powerups collected
{win_streak}Get the player win streak

In-Game Placeholders

{time_formatted}Get the time formatted
{time}Get the time in seconds
{id}Get the arena ID
{displayname}Get the arena display name
{round}Get the current round
{group}Get the arena group
{state}Get the arena state
{win_points}Get the amount of points needed to win
{players}Get the amount of players in the arena
{max_players}Get the maximum amount of players in the arena